Ongrovil S-5167
Ongrovil S-5167 is primarily suitable for rigid applications. Its high apparent density makes it especially suitable for the extrusion of rigid tubes and profiles.
66 - 68
Apparent Density:
560 - 620kg/m3
Ongrovil S-5258
Ongrovil S-5258 is primarily suitable for rigid applications. It is recommended for calendered or extruded films and sheets, injection moulded or hollow articles such as fittings, opaque and transparent bottles.
57 - 59
Apparent Density:
550 - 610kg/m3
Sodium Hydroxide Solution
Chloralkali products |
Colourless, odourless liquid, free of sediments. It is effective cleaning and solvent agent, has high dissolving power of grease, oil, fat and protein based deposits.
Total Alkali Content :
min. 48 m/m%
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
Chloralkali products |
Slightly yellowish aqueous solution with odour of chlorine. It has high disinfection and excellent antibacterial properties. It is effective against microorganism and biofilm.
Active Chlorine Content :
min. 160 m/m%