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BorsodChem was awarded by Industrial Innovation Prize of 2019

Outstanding profitable and world-class performances were recognized in the Hungarian Innovation Grand Prize Competition.

Evaluation Committee of Hungarian Innovation Grand Prize and President of National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO) chose the Innovation Grand Prize winner company of 2019 from 46 applicants as well as 7 additional Innovation Prizes were granted. Economical result of the innovation in 2019 was the decisive criteria of the evaluation. Innovation Grand Prize winner company was selected by ballot.

Originally, prizes should have been handed over by the Vice-President of the Parliament and competent ministers ceremonially in the House of Parliament on 27th March. Unfortunately, the ceremony could not be held because of the epidemic. Therefore, the results are published in this official press release so companies will take over the prizes later.

BorsodChem was awarded for the complex development of the manufacturing process of the MDI, a polyurethane raw material by Industrial Innovation Prize 2019 of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology. The difficulty of research and development was that the partial processes could have been tested by computer simulations and in lab size to a very limited extent. Those had to been studied among real industrial circumstances in order to identify and eliminate application-related uncertainties. The nominal annual production capacity of the MDI Plant has increased to 330 ktpa, which overall made possible 7.9 kt surplus MDI production in 2019. Sales of this additional volume in 2019 resulted in EUR 4.6 million (HUF 1.5 billion) contribution margin for the company.

Publication of winners and the 34 additional applications recognized as innovation can be accessed via the following link (in Hungarian).

The 28th Hungarian Innovation Grand Prize was supported by National Research, Development and Innovation Office and was financed by National Research, Development and Innovation Foundation.

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