We believe that corporate integrity, legal compliance, and the ethical commitment of our community are as important as our business performance. Working in the spirit of sustainability, we are committed to observing the generally accepted ethical norms and rules of business at all times in the course of our operations. The most important characteristics of our ethical practice are the following.
It stands to reason during our operation that we respect all applicable laws and regulations that apply to the legislative area of our business, including accounting and control requirements, anti-corruption, and anti-money laundering laws.
We operate in full accordance with the regulations and restrictions affecting international trade.
We ensure the completeness and correct content, accuracy, and relevance of the information provided in all documents and reports that we disclose in external and internal forums. We record and archive all transactions related to our operation according to the applicable rules and laws. We also apply these principles in our daily communications.
Our goal is to provide an example to other organizations and society by fair operations. In line with this effort, we wish to become Europe’s leading plastics raw material producer in fair competition. When working together with our partners, we pay close attention to compliance with competition laws and our top management receives training courses on this topic.
It is the responsibility of our Legal Department to supervise and ensure legal compliance with competition law and any other compliance areas. We continuously monitor corporate needs and external requirements to ensure that all resources necessary for compliance are available.
Corruption restricts economic and social development and it may be a source of legal and discretion risks for our Company. In the spirit of fair operation, we take action against all forms of corruption and oblige all our employees to do so. We also expect our partners to meet these standards.
We investigate corruption (and other ethical issues) consistently and objectively.
An internal regulatory background helps us in preventing and handling corruption, including the Anti-Fraud Policy, the Whistleblowing Policy, and the Code of Conduct.
Employee relations are based on the dignity of all human beings and the respect of basic human rights at our Company. We are constantly working to strengthen a corporate culture, which incorporates the responsibility for each other, equal treatment, and a sense of belonging and security.
We apply the principle of equal treatment consistently in the recruitment, employment, and termination of employment, which is also included in our Collective Bargaining Agreement.
We respect the freedom of association of employees and their right to collective bargainings. We maintain a constructive dialogue with our employee interest representing organisations and strive for correct reconciliation of interests with them.
We strongly oppose any behaviour that violates an individual's rights, be it discrimination, any form of harassment or violence, child labour, or forced labour.
An independent, high-level organization manages and supervises compliance and ethics, being completely independent of operational management, which reports directly only to the Chief Executive Officer and the Supervisory Board.
Our ethical values are based on three policies that are accessible to anyone: Code of Conduct, Anti-Fraud Policy, and Whistleblowing Policy. We introduce our ethical values to our employees through regular training and we ensure the deepening of these values.
We apply this policy system on an ongoing basis and our employees are liable for its compliance. We expect our suppliers to follow our ethical values, which are summarized in the Supplier Code of Conduct for them.
We investigate events that are likely to violate our ethical guidelines. Verified violations and misuses result in accountability.
Our Company has been operating the Ethics Line for many years, which is accessible to all employees and any external party. The Ethics Line is an independent and confidential forum where anyone can make their comments and raise complaints with regard to the ethical operation of BorsodChem Zrt. or seek advice.
We keep the Notifier’s personal data confidential, but it is also possible to contact us anonymously. The notifications will be handled and investigated in accordance with the Whistleblowing Policy. Major Ethics Line contact possibilities are as follows:
E-mail: compliance@borsodchem.eu
Phone: +36-48-522-360