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Responsibility for local communities

We assume responsibility for local communities as one of the leading companies in Hungary and the region


Our Company lays a great emphasis on nurturing and maintaining good relationships with local communities. We are committed to the economic well-being of the region; in this spirit, we particularly support the municipalities around our site.

As part of the environmental licensing related to our investments, we inform the public about all major developments and capacity expansions and we listen to their views when conducting the impact assessments. All of our licenses are publicly available.

We implement open and honest communication with our employees and external stakeholders, which is of paramount importance to us.

In order to maintain an informal and open relationship, we organize an annual open day for regional local governments, authority representatives, and the public.

During the event, the participants can gain insight into our currently ongoing and planned future investments and our social responsibility activity.

After the presentations, the participants can ask questions and share their comments with members of the management during an informal conversation.


“Closer to each other” - Introduction to Chinese culture


Following Wanhua’s acquisition of BorsodChem in 2011, first, the Chinese Centre was founded and then the third Confucius Institute in Hungary was established at the University of Miskolc in August 2013 with the assistance of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) and our Company. BorsodChem, together with the Institute, offers Chinese language learning opportunities, study tours, and cultural training for employees.

In 2014, we signed a long-term Strategic Cooperation Agreement with the Local Government of Kazincbarcika under which the two sides mutually help each other. One of the target areas of our support policy is the enrichment of cultural life in Kazincbarcika and the surrounding municipalities. Within this framework, we contribute to the successful organization of ‘Kolorfesztivál’ as a golden grade sponsor, which is the biggest all-art festival in the region. In addition, we support the activities of local artists and the organization of cultural events in the surrounding municipalities.

For more information, please visit our Sustainability Reports page.



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