The capability of and willingness to change
We encourage our employees to develop their capabilities and willingness to change and with their awareness of full responsibility to contribute to and support the continuous enhancement of the development, competitiveness and profitability of our Company.
Customer orientation
All our departments must carry out their day-to-day work keeping the the demands of external and internal customers in view in due time and at the highest standard.
Being practical
We consider efficient work is focusing exclusively on performing the tasks to produce real value based on the value judgement of our Company using only the necessary and sufficient resources.
Performance orientation
We recognize and promote our colleagues both morally and financially who achieve excellent results, work with high efficiency and have outstanding capabilities.
We encourage our employees with an average performance to improve continuously.
We encourage our employees with an average performance to improve continuously.
Commitment to excellence
We set progressive goals that are characteristics of the best of the industry at an international level.
We take actions promptly to meet and outperform the requirements in compliance with the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) principle.
‘There is no such thing as the best, there is only even better’.
We take actions promptly to meet and outperform the requirements in compliance with the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) principle.
‘There is no such thing as the best, there is only even better’.
Both our senior managers and team leaders, due to their personal examples and strong leadership skills, organize effective, efficient and cohesive teams from our employees and continuously motivate them to achieve a better performance.
The team members perform their work in open cooperation with each other. We inspire cross-cultural and departmental communication, understanding and cooperation for our Company’s success.
We condemn if any our organisational unit is uncooperative on any issue or only considers its own interests.
The team members perform their work in open cooperation with each other. We inspire cross-cultural and departmental communication, understanding and cooperation for our Company’s success.
We condemn if any our organisational unit is uncooperative on any issue or only considers its own interests.