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Financial support of BorsodChem was handed over to Ambulance Service in Kazincbarcika at a ceremony which was realized with the cooperation of employees. As a result of one-month ‘charitable’ physical activity, the Company supports the procurement of equipment and modernization of their building.

As a responsible employer, BorsodChem is not only a committed supporter of a healthy lifestyle and mass sports but also pays special attention to the health of its employees. The Company has developed a comprehensive health and physical activity program to create health culture which strengthens employees’ awareness in this area in an organised manner. One of its elements is the challenge and trial series to encourage employees’ physical activity. Within this framework, they drew attention to the importance of physical activity with a self-organized Challenge Month as a contribution to the stimulation of the immune system in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic. Furthermore, this initiative also serves a noble purpose because the minutes were collected during the month – 135 colleagues spent almost 152 000 minutes with physical activity - the Company convert it into money and offered as financial support amounting to HUF 1 520 000 to Ambulance Service in Kazincbarcika for procurement of equipment and modernization of their building. Donation collected by employees and converted by BorsodChem was handed over in their building on 2nd October in Kazincbarcika.

The event was attended by Dr. Balázs Kádár, Regional Director and Zsóka László, Head of the Economic and Technical Department of the National Ambulance Service of Northern Hungary, András Csala on behalf of the Kazincbarcika Ambulance Station, station manager and their on duty crew members, and BorsodChem was represented by Béla Varga, Vice President HR, and Communication.

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