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Stepping Up Our Commitment to Sustainability: The Release of BorsodChem's GHG Inventory

We are proud to announce that our Company has again taken a significant step on the pathway towards sustainable development, by completing its first comprehensive, third-party verified, voluntary Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventories, accounting for overall direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions arising from BorsodChem Zrt.’s operations, as well as GHG Reports.

The complete greenhouse gas inventories, covering Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emission categories for BorsodChem Zrt’s facilities operating in Hungary, have been prepared for the financial year 2021 and 2022. Year 2021 was defined as the base year of the inventory. The GHG Inventories have been prepared in accordance with standards and guidelines applied in the industry, such as the GHG Protocol and its supplementary guidelines and ISO 14064 standard.

By preparing a complete GHG inventory, we can gain valuable insight into our emission profile, enabling us to identify areas to be improved and develop targeted strategies to reduce our environmental impacts. It provides our stakeholders with an easy understanding of our environmental performance and demonstrates our commitment to fighting against climate change. Our aim is to improve continuously our environmental performance, to contribute to the establishment of an economy, free of carbon dioxide emissions, thereby inspiring others to take similar actions.

We encourage all interested parties to view our GHG Reports, learn more about our Company's greenhouse gas emissions, and support our ongoing joint efforts to reduce them. Our GHG Reports detailing our GHG emissions are publicly available on our website:


2021 -

2022 -

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