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The Responsible Care audit was successfully completed

Responsible Care program is a voluntary international initiative in the chemical industry. The sector is committed to strict self-regulation to enhance its health, safety, and environmental performance in all aspects.

Responsible Care program was initiated in Canada in 1985 by the Canadian National Chemical Industry Association, which developed fundamental principles of Responsible Care. Shortly afterwards, the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) adopted the program with the aim of implementing it across Europe through national chemical industry associations.

In Hungary, MAVESZ and its member companies have been participating in the program. During MAVESZ’s 2023 General Assembly, its member companies formally renewed their commitment, with 17 chemical producers and significant hazardous material storage capacity distributor businesses currently participating in the program.

Chemical companies that meet the program’s requirements can obtain a Responsible Care certificate. Hungarian Chemical Industry Association initiated its program for obtaining the certificate through independent, external auditors in 2014, further strengthening its members’ commitment to the principles and goals of Responsible Care.

In Hungary, the requirements to be met within the framework of the Responsible Care program go beyond the statutory and other legal provisions.

During the verification procedure, approximately 250 questions related to energy consumption, transport, storage, labour protection, industrial accident prevention, and environmental protection are reviewed and evaluated by independent auditors.

MAVESZ held the Responsible Care audit at our company between 4-7 March 2024.

The company achieved an outstanding result of 95.7% on the certification.

We would like to inform you that after the successful audit, the certificate arrived in Hungarian and English language.

According to the auditors, the external appearance of the company (order and cleanliness), as well as internal order and discipline, labour protection, fire protection, occupational health, chemical safety, REACH regulation, technical safety, prevention of serious accidents caused by hazardous substances and the regulations related to protection, are of the highest quality among the chemical companies audited so far.

At BorsodChem, well-thought-out, well-documented and detailed activities aimed at minimizing the environmental load, preserving and developing the technical and safety condition of the equipment, ensuring accident-free work, complying with occupational health, fire protection, chemical safety, REACH and disaster prevention regulations, which is even more commendable in light of the fast-paced developments. In the spirit of Responsible Care, the company shares its good practices with chemical companies not only along the value chain but also in the RC community; at the same time, it not only uses the information received here but also develops it further, thereby becoming one of the outstanding companies.

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